She birthed 6 children. And in case you're not sure exactly what that means. It means she pushed SIX human beings out of her lady parts. Phew!
Here we are in the flesh.
She then adopted a vital member of our family. Melissa.
While I was growing up, she also had a number of foster children in our home. If that weren't enough, six of her seven children were GIRLS! Wow. What a headache, I know. Our house was loud, full of mood swings AND chocolate. :) What a patient, loving woman.
As always, there's a sad part to the story. As a teenager, being "all-knowing" as I was, we fought. A LOT! Record breaking amounts. After all, I knew better than she. What a joke.
Looking back, I regret those couple years of rebellion. I was butting heads with her, when I could have spent that time loving her. Because after all was said and done, as always, the child moves out, and suddenly the world becomes so much more clear. And that child eventually realizes just how stupid they really were. And then comes the dreaded day of having to admit how wrong you were.
Well it didn't take me long to come to my senses and apologize for all the mean things I did and said. And it makes me so sad. Because my mom is one of my BEST friends. And I wasted so much time with her.
But I'm so grateful now. That she's in my life. That we're best friends. That she's not going anywhere and neither am I. That she is an excellent nana. That she is an excellent mom. That she is an excellent person. I am so grateful to have been raised by her.
And mom,
If you're reading this. I love you. And "I promise, I promise to never forget..."
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