Friday, December 14, 2012

Once In A Lifetime

I would like to get better at photographing births and I need more "subjects". So that is why I am offering to do two birth stories free of charge. The first two people to email me, either on my Facebook account or regular email (, will be the winners of this excellent opportunity. Please email me with your due date, as to avoid overlaps. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

All I Want For Christmas Is Lucy Sloane

I took a few pictures of little Lucy Sloane. Just thought I'd share her cuteness with all of you! :) She is fierce! She is ferocious!

She was NOT happy with me.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Sloane's Birth Story

I got a call at about 7 am saying Amber was dilated to a five. Being an hour away, I hopped in the car right away. I got there right in time too. It was such a neat experience. And Amber and Colby were so sweet to watch.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The End of Thanksgiving: Days 24- 30

Well, it looks like I let myself get behind again. So here I go. On to catching up. 

Day 24: I am thankful for books. I love to read, if I actually get the chance. 

Day 25: I am thankful for electricity and technology. I don't think I could survive living in another time.