Thursday, January 3, 2013

I Think I Can, I Think I Can

Wow, now that the Holidays are over, I feel like I can breathe again. It just gets SO busy for me (and everyone else, I'm sure) around this time. 

I have so many updates coming. It's just gonna take me a minute! :) I've been deep cleaning things, painting, doing house projects, and taking pictures for my sister's wedding. 

Gosh, that feels good to say. I've been keeping that a secret for a while! So glad she finally announced it, now I can shout it from the rooftops. But I won't...because I have a very irrational fear of heights. 

Anyway, I've been on this huge cleaning kick recently (what am I saying?? I ALWAYS love to clean) and I'm so excited to show off some of the results. I don't know what it is about the Fall/Winter that makes me want to gut my house so bad. Maybe it's because I'm forced to stay indoors all day. Who knows!! 

But, I just wanted to post, to let you know that I'm still breathing, and I haven't forgotten about you, my faithful readers. ;) 

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